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In this article, we'll look at the different ways to apply for parenting time (formerly known as child custody), whether shared parenting arrangements or sole care.
Divorce and de facto separation can be challenging and emotional, often leading to disputes over assets and financial resources. Wealth protection is a major consideration for those who have accumulated significant assets or have children they’d like to ensure assets are passed down to.
Divorce marks a significant turning point in life, affecting not only personal relationships but also your financial and estate planning.
Parental alienation is a term used to describe a situation where one parent manipulates or influences a child’s feelings or perceptions towards the other parent in a negative way. This often leads to children distancing themselves from one parent or showing resentment towards them.
On 21 October 2024, the Victorian Government announced a new temporary off-the-plan land transfer (stamp) duty concession.
Domestic violence is a saddening issue that affects many families across Victoria, creating an environment of fear and instability. The complexities of family law in the context of domestic violence can seem to fall short at times, and be daunting for those experiencing it.
A Parenting Plan is a voluntary agreement between parents about how they will share parental responsibility and make decisions for their children.
Accredited Law Specialist St John Heath talks about the different options available including formal, informal and government arrangements.
Consent orders are legal documents approved by a court that formalise agreements reached between you and your ex-partner after a relationship breakdown.
When you buy a house, you want an experienced, supportive conveyancing lawyer behind you. Find out about our property conveyancing services here.
Our team of family lawyers can help people who have been served with an intervention order and offer advice and information to improve understanding.
We help anyone experiencing family violence & have a supportive family law team to provide you with the advice you need to protect yourself and your family
As experienced divorce lawyers, we offer our clients pre-separation advice to help protect the best interests of everyone involved. Find out more online
Tonkin Law can help you in the process of finalising your divorce. Call us today to speak with one of our experienced divorce lawyers, confidentially.
Accredited Family Law Specialist, St.John Heath, discusses the important things that you should be thinking about, during this difficult time.
Get your pre-nuptial agreement drafted by Tonkin Law. This is a very important document and you should seek experts in pre-nuptial agreement law to draft it
Tonkin Law has team of experienced divorce lawyers who can help couples in the process of negotiating separation while protecting everyone's best interests
I am separating from my partner, do I need a lawyer? Find out in Episode #2 of Tonkin Legal Group's Podcast Series.
There are many reasons why parents may wish to change their child's name. What is the process and what happens if the parents don't agree?
Part IV of the Administration and Probate Act allows for eligible people to make a claim against a deceased estate.
Tonkin Partner Charlie Robinson discusses when a Grant of Probate is required, and how to obtain one in Victoria, as well as Part IV Claims.
Are you in the process of separating or divorcing? Our free guide to navigating separation and divorce is here to answer your questions!
The Victorian Government has updated the Sale of Land Act 1962 with a new rule (Section 10G) that affects property sales. Here’s what you need to know...
Understanding the legal aspects surrounding surrogacy and gestational agreements is crucial for all parties involved.
Estate planning is a critical process that addresses the distribution of assets and assists in safeguarding the wishes of loved ones after their passing.
Feeling alienated from a parent can have profound and lasting effects on children, causing emotional distress and impacting their overall well-being.
Same-sex marriage and family rights have evolved significantly in recent years, particularly in Victoria, Australia.
Digital estate planning is about ensuring that your online assets are handled according to your wishes after you're gone.
The Victorian government introduced the fund in October 2021 to assist first time buyers to own their own home.
A new tax, called the ‘windfall gains tax’ (WGT), applies to most land in Victoria that is rezoned after 1 July 2023. The WGT is specific to Victoria.
In the family law arena, parties seeking a resolution to their disputes are encouraged to make genuine efforts to negotiate 'out-of-court' settlements.
Purchasing property with another person is a big decision. So, you must make sure you own the property correctly.
What is it, and who needs to pay it? How is it paid, and how long for? Accredited Law Specialist St John Heath sheds some light on how it is assessed.
Going through a divorce or separation after a marriage breaks down can be one of the most difficult things we can experience.
The weight given to a child’s wishes when it comes to their care arrangements is a complex issue and depends on the individual circumstances.
Parenting arrangements can be a challenging aspect of a separation or divorce, especially when both partners cannot reach an agreement.
It’s not something many people like to think about, but dying without a valid Will can have a significant impact on those left behind.
Charlie Robinson discusses Duty of Disclosure in relation to Parenting & Financial matters and what can happen if someone doesn’t provide full disclosure.
Family Lawyer, Cassandra Rush, explains what family violence is, the different definitions and dynamics, and most importantly, how to get help.
Tonkin Lawyer, Cassandra Rush talks about crystallising the asset pool, and which assets and liabilities are accounted for during a property settlement.
Learn about parenting agreements, co-parenting, shared parental responsibility and consent orders, to help you navigate parenting matters after separating.
Richard Tonkin discusses government, private and law firm mediation, the decision making process and how decisions are formalised.
Find out what is needed to apply for a divorce with Accredited Family Law Specialist, Richard Tonkin.
St John Heath, Partner at Tonkin Legal and an Accredited Law Specialist shares some helpful facts about the types of agreements available.
In some cases, child support extends into adult child maintenance. Accredited Law Specialist St John Heath discusses adult child maintenance.
In an ideal world, co-parenting would be harmonious, but the reality is this doesn’t happen for everyone.
Power of Attorney is essential to organise when we are well enough to make this decision. Ruby Heath discusses why, and what happens if it’s left too late.
Learn how to choose an Executor, what to consider if you are elected an Executor, and the responsibilities that come with the role.
Not having a Will can cause confusion and even court battles. We explain how this decision can affect those close to you, and where your assets may end up.
Contesting a Will is sometimes necessary. Charlie Robinson discusses who can contest a Will, time limits that apply, and how Part IV Claims are assessed.
Shane Williams talks about choosing an Executor, trusts and special arrangements for beneficiaries, as well as choosing a guardian for your children.
A prenuptial agreement is a contract between two parties in an intimate relationship, usually made before or during a marriage or de-facto relationship.
Learn more about circumstances when a parent can withhold a child from the other parent
We outline the steps a parent can take in line with Australian law, to recover a child who has been unilaterally removed or has failed to be returned.
We explain what is Duty of Disclosure, and what documents are typically required to be disclosed in financial disputes and parenting disputes.
Same sex couples may need to revise any Wills prepared prior to 2017 same sex marriage reforms to ensure their spouses are legally recognised in their Wills
We discuss eligibility for a Divorce in Australia, and then if you are eligible, the steps involved in gaining a Divorce.
Tonkin Legal Group has put together 3 free on-demand webinars to help you understand the legal, financial & practical implications of separation & divorce.
Learn about the types of Family Law Financial Agreements available and if they would be applicable to your situation.
Christmas holidays are a stressful time for separated families and children. How can you work cooperatively to benefit your children in this situation?
If you wish to gift property or cash, it is extremely important to obtain legal advice to protect those gifts in the event of a relationship breakdown.
Need to prepare a Will? In this post we explain some of the relevant terms used in preparing a Will and the process involved in it.
Many women are not safe from gendered violence in their own homes. This post looks at the National Plan to end the epidemic of violence against women.
Options on what to do if you can't agree on arrangements for the children over the Christmas holidays.
A Joint Application for Divorce is where both parties together apply to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia that their marriage be ended.
This blog post discusses the lessons learned from a challenge to a Will which was mounted by children after the bulk of the estate was left to a second wife
The Family Law Act assists woman in obtaining resolution with property settlement matters, divorce, family violence, spousal maintenance and child support.
A separation agreement is an informal agreement written between a separating couple. We explain how you can document your agreement in a legally binding way
Your partner has just been diagnosed with a terminal illness - we discuss what you need to do to ensure you can look after them from a legal perspective.
Four things we strongly recommend you should do before buying a property at auction.
If a relationship breaks down, a court may order one partner to pay the other Spousal Maintenance, an amount to reduce the financial pressures of separation
When a relationship breaks down, a loss of trust can lead to the parties not trusting each other when negotiating a property settlement.
Surviving spouses are often placed in difficult financial situations due to the requirement of cash. We offer some simple solutions to avoid this.
We explore 10 examples of abusive behaviour and the signs to look for in identifying whether these relate to you or somebody that you may care about.
In this post we give several options to consider if the other parent says your child is refusing to see you after separation.
If you are going through a separation with your partner, it is important to know how an inheritance could impact the division of your assets.
Using a case study we show the two ways of achieving a legally binding Family Law property settlement and explain why it is so important to have one.
This post discusses when a relationship breaks down, are you able to change the surname of a child from that relationship?
We explain what happens to a Will you already have when you marry or divorce and why it is important to review your Will if your situation changes.
In this post we examine three recent property cases that have been decided by the Family Courts.
What is the difference between a divorce and an annulment?
This post explains what you can do if you are not happy with the property settlement that has been negotiated.
An executor’s job is to carry out the terms of the deceased’s Will. We explain what is required of you, as an executor of a Will.
In this post we address the options available to you when your spouse refuses to negotiate property settlement.
If you are contemplating separation, there are various things you should consider in order to make this process less stressful and confronting.
In this post, Richard Tonkin shares the answers to questions our clients ask our family law team about separation.
This post discusses a recent case of a contested will that shows that that just because an estate is large, doesn’t mean a challenge will be successful.
When separating from your partner, you will have to negotiate the division of your assets. If you can’t agree, then you may require intervention.
If you have a Self-Managed Super Fund and are embarking on a family law property settlement there is an added level of complication which must be considered
This post explains what kinds of "future needs" the courts look at when assessing how to divide assets upon separation.
This post addresses the question "are assets divided 50/50 when a relationship breaks down" and gives examples of situations that may affect this outcome.
We discuss situations where it may be reasonable to suspend a child's time with a parent and give options to solve these problems before they become issues.
We explain the options available when an ex-partner does not comply with agreed arrangements for the children.