Estate Litigation

Your trusted partners for estate litigation & dispute resolution

Estate disputes can be tiring and emotionally draining without the right support. Uncertainties surrounding inheritance and distributions can often create ongoing tension and stress, especially when involving a loved one who has passed away, and other family members.

At Tonkin Legal Group, we understand that it’s imperative to resolve estate disputes as quickly as possible, to preserve relationships and your financial stability. We always aim to reach an agreement through negotiations, but are highly skilled in litigation if your matter cannot be finalised in court. 

Efficient Estate Solutions

Streamlined resolutions for estate matters, ensuring your affairs are managed promptly and effectively, for peace of mind.

Compassionate Legal Support

Understanding the emotional complexity of estate disputes, our team provide unwavering, empathetic support each step of the way.

Proven Litigation Expertise

Exceptional courtroom representation, with a successful record of resolutions driven by our strong dedication to our client’s best interests. 

Resolving your estate matters with dedication, efficiency & care

Our estate specialists will work with you to find the most efficient and cost-effective resolution of your matter, bringing closure and peace of mind. We will work hard to ensure your estate rights are protected, expertly navigating litigation on your behalf if required.

Administering an estate?Get started online now

Timely & proactive resolutions of estate disputes, so you can focus on what’s most important to you.

We understand the challenges of estate disputes and estate litigation, which can be extremely difficult when you are also grieving the loss of someone close to you. You’ll have compassionate guidance throughout the process, paired with the legal expertise to confidently secure your financial future.  

Step One: Assess

Our estate lawyers will evaluate your case’s strength and advise of the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Step Two: Negotiate

We’ll gather documents and negotiate with executors or administrators on your behalf, aiming for a fair out-of-court settlement where possible.

Step Three: Litigate / Court Representation

If your matter is complex or cannot be resolved out of court, we will advocate for you and represent you in court to finalise your matter.

Our Estate Services

Our team provides exceptional legal counsel, support and representation for all matters relating to estate planning, administration and litigation.

Estate Administration

Assisting executors and beneficiaries with all estate-related matters. 

Will Disputes  

Resolving conflicts related to the validity, undue influence and interpretations of a Will.

Contesting & Protecting Wills

Providing strategic legal counsel to safeguard inheritances and challenge unfair or invalid Wills.

Estate Litigation

Managing court proceedings regarding estates with confidence and efficiency. 

Challenging An Executor

Addressing conflicts regarding estate assets and distributions skillfully, with a view to swift resolution. 

Estate Planning

Planning and legal documentation, including Wills, estates, trusts and POA. 

Trust Disputes

Protecting your best interests and financial outcomes in matters involving family and testamentary trust disputes. 

Grant Of Probate Difficulties

Guiding you through legal issues and challenges related to Grant of Probate applications.

Protect your financial future with our expertise in resolving estate disputes

Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your estate matters are in very capable hands. From negotiating on your behalf through to litigation, our team is here to help.

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A Helpful Guide to Wills and Estates

Need to make a will and plan your estate? Our free guide to wills and estates is here to answer your questions and get you started!

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